Page 10 - Carrotology_Investor Deck_01.29.25_Revised_1
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Sales, Marketing,

        and Technology

        Sales and Marketing Strategy:

        Carrotology engages parents with a multi-channel strategy to attract, convert,
        and retain subscribers.

                              Paid Search
                                                                                       •  With an estimated
                                  & SEO                                                    $120 CPA, projected

                                                                                           to reduce to $87 in the
                                                                                           first year, Carrotology
                                                                                           combines affordable
                                                                                           plans to grow a loyal
                                                                                           subscriber base.

                                                                                       •  Partnerships with
        Social Media                                                                       influencers, behavioral
                                                                                           organizations, and
          (Organic &                                                                       schools will further

              Paid)                                                                        expand reach
                                                                                           and revenue.


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