Page 11 - Carrotology_Investor Deck_01.29.25_Revised_1
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Technology and Intellectual Property

        Carrotology leverages a patent-pending system integrating software and hardware to
        support behavioral management and scheduling:

                 Modules:                           Trademarks:                         Prototypes in
           Behavior management,               Protection for key assets,               Development:
           schedule management,                including Carrotology’s             Advanced hardware (e.g.
        and incentive modules with                 name, logo, logo                 Behavior Beacon) with
               virtual currency.                lockup, and the word              integrated app capabilities
                                                   “Carrotologist.”                      for monitoring
                                                                                       and management.

                                           These technological advancements

                                           position Carrotology as a pioneer

                                           in digital behavioral health tools.

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